Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.
Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.
Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.
Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.
Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,
The Youth Skilling Challenge
With a staggering 700,000 young Ugandan individuals entering Uganda’s job market annually (World Bank report – 2020), it has become imperative to enhance the quality of youth training and adapt it to the evolving dynamics of work. Technological advancements, changes in education and training methods, and the absence of adequate reskilling and up skilling programs are key factors that demand immediate attention to ensure a skilled and competitive young workforce especially for resource constrained communities like Teso.
Progress and gains are being made to prioritize skilling of the youth across the country. The government launched the Business Technical Vocational Education and Training (BTVET) Strategic Plan to champion skills development in the country.
TEYAPI4Peace youth skilling strategy aims to create employable skills and competencies relevant to the labour market. This will help in dealing with the issue of rising unemployment in Teso Eastern Uganda.
To achieve the youth skilling project has been designed and earmarked to roll out vocational and skills training over the five year planning period. It is also expected that 40% of the entire skills training student population shall be girls and will receive a scholarship to enable them attain vocational and technical skills.
Despite an increase in government’s commitment to support vocational and skills education, key questions arise, how we adopt these reforms to become inclusive for resource constrained communities like in Teso sub region.

Your generosity helps TEYAPI4Peace provide scholarships and virtual programs to a new generation of leaders. Learn how you can support our work today!
Soroti City East, Moruapesur, Orwadai Village, Edonyu Road, Opposite Orwadai Stars Primary School. Uganda
P.O Box 475 Soroti -Uganda
Tel: +256 (0) 0780653779
Email: secwinyu@teyapi4peace.org