The Secretariat is the implementing arm of the organization, filled with recruited/hired staff with commensurate qualification and experience. They undertake the day to day activities in the implementation of the organization set policies by designing community development projects and actually undertaking the actual implementation. They are hired by the Board of Trustees; they are fully answerable and accountable to the Board of Trustees.

Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.
Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.
Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.
Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.
Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,
The Secretariat

Stephen Ecwinyu - Coordinator
Stephen Ecwinyu oversees the entire secretariat staff as head of the organization secretariat, Stephen managers all the staff undertaking administrative tasks to ensure everybody is productive
Stephen joined TEYAPI4Peace in 2021 as Volunteers Coordinator, and has worked closely with TEYAPI4Peace board of Trustees senior leadership since his arrival.
Stephen has over 15 years of experience building and leading local NGO teams in Teso with success. Prior to joining TEYAPI4Peace, Stephen was a Finance and Admin Officer TEMEDO, Treasurer SODANN and KaDDAN and Accountant Matilong Youth Mixed Farming Organization.
Stephen graduated from Makerere University in Kampala with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Accounting) and earned a Master’s Degree in Procurement and Supply Chain Management from Makerere University Business School.

Suzan Isalu - Human Resource Manager
Suzan Isalu is the Human Resource Manager of TEYAPI4Peace. Suzan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in public administration (BPA) from Lira University in 2019. She also acquired a certificate in administrative law in Makerere University. Suzan did her internship in 2018 at Soroti Municipal council western division then, before it was up graded to City Status. Due to high unemployment in Uganda among the youth Suzan then joined TEYAPI4Peace as the human Resource Manager to full fill her dream of serving the community. Susan heads the staff recruitment department providing the sourcing, interviewing and placement of staff. She also appraises the staff and provides recommendations for skills improvements giving them opportunity to attend further courses.

Sam Atude - Agricultural Assistant
Samuel Atude assists in the management of the Agricultural Department of TEYAPI4Peace.
Sam was first employed by Ensibuuko a private company in Uganda in 2020, where Sam understood training of farmers groups on good agronomic practices to improve on farm production as well as in marketing and selling crop insurance services to farmers.
In 2021, when his emolument contract ended. Due to unemployment Sam got inspired to start training farmers on management and production of citrus and mangoes in Gweri community, to fight the high level of poverty in the community. He later in 2021, joined World Vision Uganda Soroti cluster as a community volunteer under the project, “Every Child life in its fullness and a prayer for Every heart to make it so.
Sam then joined TEYAPI4Peace in that same year as the Agricultural Assistant in the department of Agriculture, where he has since provided communities working with TEYAPI4Peace with skills to improve their farm yields. Sam assists in managing the Agricultural department generating farmers training needs undertaking training of farmers and supporting farmers with agricultural inputs based on projects being run like supply of passion fruit seedlings to young farmers in Gweri.

Winifred Atim - Accountant
Atim Winifred is the Accountant, TEYAPI4Peace. Due to high unemployment in Uganda, she was also not able to get a full time employment before joining TEYAPI4Peace. Winifred briefly worked with Mosingnor Bala Secondary School for two years as a part time school Bursar but wasn’t able to continue because the contract ended. Challenged with community problems Winifred picked interest in working for TEYAPI4Peace in 2020 as a Volunteering Accountant. Today Winifred isTEYAPI4Peace Accountant, where she undertakes book keeping functions, recording all financial transactions and producing end of year financial reports. She also works with the external Auditors ensuring they access all the detailed information about the organization’s finances to allow them prepare an Annual Audit report.. Atim Winifred holds a diploma in Business Administration having graduated in 2017.

Juventine Onyayo - Secretary/Admin. Assistant
Onyayo Juventine is the organizational Secretary/Administrator. His responsibility is ensuring effective administrative function of the secretariat and administration of the office. He ensures the office functions receiving visitors to the office and understanking procurement of all the office supplies to faciliate smooth office operations. He also draws agenda for all the scheduled staff office meetings and communication.
Juventine is a holder of bachelor’s degree of computer science and has a vast experience as below;
2012-2013 Director of Studies Kamod High School
2014-2015 Ass Human Resource Manager HOW-Uganda-Kyere.
2015-2017 Head of department ICT Impact Institute of Technology & Management.
2017-2023 Head of department ICT Ogolai Technical Institute
2020 to Date, A member of ICT Board Church of Uganda Diocese of Soroti.
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Soroti District, Eastern Uganda
P.O Box Soroti Uganda
Tel: +256 (0) 0780653779