Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.
Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.
Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.
Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.
Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,
Contact us
Thanks for taking an interest in our work.
Contact Teso Youth Agricultural Production Initiative for Peace (TEYAPI4Peace) by mail, phone or email:
Mailing Address:
Following registration at National Level, we have shifted Teso Youth Agricultural Production Initiative for Peace (TEYAPI4Peace) offices to; Edonyu Road, Orwadai Cell “C”, Orwadai Ward, Opposite Orwadai Stars Primary School. Soroti City East – Uganda
P. O. Box 475 Soroti -Uganda
Phone: +256 776 071 065 / +256 772 590 802
To make your donation online here, or, if you have any questions about donations, please contact us at donate@teyapi4peace.o
Your generosity helps TEYAPI4Peace provide scholarships and virtual programs to a new generation of leaders.
Soroti City East, Moruapesur, Orwadai Village, Edonyu Road, Opposite Orwadai Stars Primary School. Uganda
P.O Box 475 Soroti -Uganda
Tel: +256 (0) 0780653779
Email: secwinyu@teyapi4peace.org