Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.
Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.
Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.
Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.
Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,
Our Societal Vision
Our societal Vision is to provide Teso communities with well-managed, stable and effective socialization programs and community institutions to meet the regions long-term needs for an increased standard of living and adequate levels of education and income for the people. To provide clear and efficient leadership practices, sustainable food production and intellectual capital development (support to OVC education and skilling young people) to generate long-term progress and growth in the region.
Objectives, Mission & Vision
- To carry out children’s (Orphans) projects that promote peace, child protection, welfare, income generation and skills development for better livelihoods.
- To build the capacity (skills) of communities children, orphans, rural women, youth & farmers to promote peace.
- To improve the welfare of disadvantaged youth, children, women and rural farming communities, with agricultural, educational, health and sanitation programmes.
- To respond to natural and man-made disasters through peace building, relief and rehabilitation projects.
- To partner with other development stakeholders to enhance our objectives.
Teso Youth Agricultural Production Initiative for Peace’s Mission is to work with communities to build peace to end hunger and poverty and care for the environmentWe will help households, institutions and groups to increase their effectiveness as citizens through our strategic trainings, direct support, advisory & consultancy support, better agricultural techniques, health services and long term production improvement techniques.
We have a vision to create a peaceful community in which people attain the right to survival, protection, development, and participation. To develop effective management strategies and skills, tools and protocols to ensure economic growth facilitated through increased educational opportunities, sustainability of programmes and providing the most relevant and needed services and development awareness at times of need.
SDGs Areas of Focus
With a projected global poverty rate of 7% in 2030, the equivalent of 598,394,116 people, this UN goal aims to end poverty of all kinds (UNDP-Economic Empowerment – Sustainable goals by 2030).
TEYAPI4Peace SDG Goal 1 objectives: end extreme poverty (those living on 1.25 dollars per day), reduce half the Teso and Karamoja population living in poverty, implement protection systems, ensure equal rights to economic resources and basic services for especially women and youth, implement climate smart agricultural interventions reduce poverty-related vulnerability to climate change-induced extreme weather events and create pro-poor and gender-sensitive policy frameworks by 2030. In Uganda, COVID-19 conflict set back poverty reduction progress (Socio-Economic impact of Covid-19 in Uganda).
As of 2020, 2.37 billion people were without food or were unable to eat a healthy balanced diet (Dalhousie University), hence the goal of zero hunger.
Under this goal, “Zero Hunger” TEYAPI4Peace sets out to contribute to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. The COVID19, global pandemic has only worsened global hunger (US Global Leadership Coalition – COVID-19 Brief: Impact on Food Security), seeing as many as 161 million additional people will experience hunger as a result. Regarding women, 1/3 of those at a reproductive age experience Anaemia due to nutritional deficiencies, we commit to reduce this.
SDG Goal 2 objectives include but are not limited to: end hunger, end all forms of malnutrition, the hunger situation is worse for resource constrained communities like Teso and Karamoja, agricultural productivity and the income of small-scale food producers, bring resilience to agricultural practices and found sustainable food production systems, and maintain genetic food diversity.
TEYAPI4Peace focuses on increasing life expectancy and reducing common child and maternal diseases and killers, our contribution to this goal targets ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages. The global pandemic has only made health disparities more apparent, halting and even reducing life-expectancy progress (UN Statistics Division – 2022 Report).
TEYAPI4Peace SDG Goal 3 objectives include but are not limited to: reduce maternal mortality, end preventable new born and child death, reduce premature mortality, prevent and treat substance abuse, halt traffic-related deaths and injuries, ensure universal health coverage and access, reduce pollution and contamination deaths.
TEYAPI4Peace under this goal seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education that promotes lifelong learning for all Teso and Karamoja communities. Sadly, COVID-19 reversed years of Universal primary and secondary education gains (Maida Pasic – UNICEF), and many Teso and Karamoja communities lack basic school infrastructure.
TEYAPI4Peace SDG Goal 4 objectives include but are not limited to: ensure free and quality primary and secondary education, give orphaned and vulnerable children access to learning aids and resources (books, uniforms and fees), ensure equal access for men and women to afford higher education choices, increase skills in youth, ensure gender equality, and promote sustainable development in education.
TEYAPI4Peace contribution to SDG 5 targets intends to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The percentage of women who work in national parliaments, local governments, and in managerial positions is still significantly less than that of men (UN Women – Women in Politics: 2021). Not to mention 1 in 3 women are subject to violence at least once since the age of 15, and child marriage is still highly present.
SDG Goal 5 objectives include but are not limited to: end discrimination against women, eliminate all forms of violence against women, eliminate harmful practices, value unpaid care and domestic work, ensure equal opportunities for leadership, ensure access to feminine health care, and ensure equal rights.
The availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation ensures safe water for drinking, sanitation, and hygiene, yet 2.3 billion people live in water-stressed countries (SDG Indicators – UNSD). Teso and Karamoja sub regions need water.
SDG Goal 6 objectives include but are not limited to: provide equal universal access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene, reduce water pollution, increase water-use efficiency, integrate water-resource management, and protect ecosystems dependent on water.
Our Major Activities
Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) school sponsorship project activities in Gweri Sub county supporting orphans with fees, uniforms and scholastic materials. This project is still on an initial stage and so far supports 20 pupils in three schools.
A passion fruit youth for peace agricultural project supporting youth to plant passion fruits seedlings to raise incomes, this project has established 4 demonstration sites for further multiplication of passion fruit seedlings in Gweri Sub county.
Planned Activities/Projects for Period 2022-2024
Food Security
Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.
Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.
Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.
Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.
Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,
Image Achieve
Your generosity helps TEYAPI4Peace provide scholarships and virtual programs to a new generation of leaders. Learn how you can support our work today!
Soroti City East, Moruapesur, Orwadai Village, Edonyu Road, Opposite Orwadai Stars Primary School. Uganda
P.O Box 475 Soroti -Uganda
Tel: +256780653779